1. Warm Fuzzies/Compliments: I've seen many versions of this, but I started using this 25 years ago. I call them "Warm Fuzzies", but there are other names, such as "The Compliments Project". It can be very poignant and emotional.Have every student write their name at the top of a sheet of binder paper and leave it out on their desk. Explain that students are to rotate around the room so that everyone visits every desk. Each student writes a sincere compliment on each student's paper.
Make rules that work for your class, but my parameters were to write a full sentence or two, not to make any comments about someone's looks (No "You're pretty!" comments), and to make it as personal as possible. Each student ends up with a full sheet of sweet comments from their classmates. You'll be amazed at how they treasure these. Years ago, we'd also make a yarn pom-pom - a Warm Fuzzy to match the warm, fuzzy feelings we received - but that's optional.
3. Book Swap: Spring is a great decluttering time and parents have often brought me books for my classroom library that their children have outgrown. Turn this into a swap event. Notify parents and students that you'll display any books that they'd like to donate and allow students to pick up whatever suits them. Everyone wins!
The decluttering parents also get more books coming back into the house, but they're free books their kids haven't read, complaints so far! Consider how you'll work the choosing part - decide who goes first, give students a specific number of books they may choose, and decide how people can trade later.
4. Memory Books: Teachers have used this memory-maker for years. There are 2 types:
- a memory book to take home. Click on the picture to check out this format.
- a memory/advice book to leave for next year's crew. Click on the picture to try out this format.
5. Game Day: Dedicate a day to playing games! By the end of the school year, my students had played a good number of games in my classroom. We focused on content-type games but also used commercial ones. Decide how you want students to partner up and switch from station to station, then pull out the games and let everyone play.
6. Pay It Forward: Host a classroom "Pay It Forward" day. Talk to your students about how great your school is: the wonderful, hardworking teachers, your administrators, custodians, cafeteria staff - the whole school family!
Generate a list of things that you could do to help, support, or otherwise celebrate being part of such a great team. Students could help teachers of younger students with end-of-year activities, do some of the dirtier chores like counting and storing books, help move desks, clean library shelves,...the list is endless. You can always end the day back in your classroom with a special snack.
7. Ice-Cream Party: This age-old celebration is always a winner! Ask your parents, PTA, or other volunteers to donate or subsidize it. Showing a movie is a great addition to this celebration! Germophobe Note: I learned to keep a box of very inexpensive, cafeteria-type gloves for all food-related activities. Teach students to use gloves when they serve themselves food.8. Craft: This is a great time to create a craft or craftivity for Father's Day, especially if you're not in school then. Otherwise, consider a craft that might take more time than usual and results in a permanent keepsake. Consider decorating flowerpots, jewelry, or a frameable display.
9. Class Awards: Whether you make them more serious Class Awards or just fun Silly Superlatives, students love to be recognized! Consider creating a set just for your students, separate from the school-wide awards based on grades. There are many sets online or you can make your own.
Blow Out
10. Fun Day: Our PTA hosts an annual 5th-grade celebration as we send out students on to the middle school. It's a really fun all-day event, often including a bouncy house, water games, pizza, and ice cream. This can be quite expensive and the PTA budgets for it each year. If you don't have those funds, consider asking for donations and scale your celebration accordingly.What do you do to celebrate the end of your school year? I'd love to hear from you!