How To Make Literacy More Fun With Book And Movie Quotes

     I am a quote junkie! Far too much of my daily conversation is peppered with lines from my favorite books and movies. I've tried to dial it down over the years; I mean, you don't always need to hear what Winnie the Pooh or Mary Poppins would say in a given situation, right? But, it's been a struggle.

     When I started teaching I saw what a great opportunity I had to exercise my quote muscles without annoying my audience. OK, maybe they were annoyed, but they were a captive audience, so I wasn't too concerned. 

     Growing as a teacher, I realized that I could actually teach literary relevance with my quotes. I inserted quotes into lessons as they occurred to me. I paused and pointed out the specific book or movie the quote came from, and its relevance to the situation. 

    I was stepping outside the curriculum and broadening some literary horizons. As I loosened up over the years and learned how to nurture a classroom environment, some my favorite quotes became classroom jokes. It was so rewarding to hear my students use their own favorite lines in different situations!

     I've gathered some of my favorite and most used quotes for you here. Consider working some of them into your classroom.


  • Love you. Mean it. Ciao! - The 1998 Parent Trap
  • TTFN: Ta ta for now! - Winnie the Pooh
  • Hasta la vista, baby! - Terminator 2

Positive Thoughts

  • Carpe diem - Dead Poets Society
  • Hakuna Matata! - The Lion King


  • May the Force be with you. - Star Wars
  • Courage, dear heart. - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  • Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. - Alice in Wonderland

Substitution Quotes: Use these instead of being literal in a situation

  • We're gonna need a bigger boat. - Jaws - Use when a task is bigger than you originally thought.
  • You're killin' me, Smalls! - The Sandlot - Use when someone is frustrating you.
  • Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. - The Wizard of Oz - Use when you're taken aback by a situation.
  • Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. - The Wizard of Oz - Use when your audience is distracted. I actually said this to my class when my principal walked in for an observation. She loved it!
  • Ahhhhhhhh! (with hands on both side of your face) - Home Alone - Use when you're completely overwhelmed and don't know what else to say!
     I'd love to hear how you use book and movie quotes in your classroom!

Growing Grade By Grade
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