Do you need to harness some of that “Spring Fever” energy in your classroom? Who doesn't?
As a veteran teacher, I gathered many quick, fun, low- or no-prep activities. You need them often.
- when we had a few minutes left but not enough to start something new
- when we needed a break from the current lesson
- when we needed a special day focus
The most important thing, however, was that the activities be content-driven, critical-thinking, and/or hands-on. That's a tall order!
I've put together some of my best activities in a Spring Freebie for you! Check out this list, then hop over to my TPT store to download the free product.
Quick, No-Prep Activities
a list of ways that you used math before school today.
only the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, once each, how many other numbers can you
find? Use any operations in any combination. Start by trying to get values of
0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Can you find others? For example, (4+1)-(2+3)=0 and
the words “Spectacular Spring” and see how many words you can generate from the
letters. Use them in any order. Examples are: tape, ring, crate
very still (indoors or out-of-doors) and just listen. Make a list of all the
sounds that you hear. It’s a fun idea to do this activity twice, once indoors
and once out-of-doors and compare your lists.
•Alphabet Antics: Write the alphabet down the side of a sheet of paper. Think of one or more words,
or a phrase, that relate
to a particular theme. Spring words might be A-animals born, B-bees, C-chicks,
D-days are longer.
•Squiggle Pictures: Every student
draws a squiggle on a sheet of paper. Trade papers. The recipient turns his/her
squiggle into a Spring picture. Add color and display.
Do you need some writing or math opportunities? Check out these fun, but content-driven activities.
Want to see some more great Spring ideas? Check out this freebie Mary Carr at Carrberry Creations. Check out this freebie from my friend, Lisa Caughlin, at All Things Special Ed!
Happy Spring!
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