100 Acts of Kindness Display

     Our team decided to use the great "100 Acts of Kindness" freebie from Jennifer Dougherty.  It was a great success!  We challenged all 52 students to "commit" one or more act of kindness by Valentine's Day.  We had lots of fun sharing what we did - helping at home, listening to a friend, or doing something nice at school.
     I hope you'll try this out next year.  Thanks, Jennifer!
Growing Grade By Grade
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[name=Pat McFadyen] [img=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhczE6mtgjdS5V3nWcCULBmAKHizsGN444Azjfc-ELJU4pYOVxAuVvcVGE029uyMOPBP-AUR_CJvQrMIVFpWzqAbwkwZ4EKslxl_weBhSbNsjgReTTdZq0IiCYvyyzXomhRuka_TgZ-Wd_Z/s1600/Pat.jpg] [description=My purpose is to support YOU and your students with practical solutions and curriculum materials that teach, play, practice, and assess.] (facebook=https://www.facebook.com/GrowingIn5thGrade/)

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