Can We Get This Day Started?

     Our daily classroom procedure is to pick up a Morning Work activity as you come in the door, unpack, make a lunch choice, and get started on the activity.  On most days, my students come in chatty and social.  That's great.  It's normal.  I love to hear them.  However, we eventually need to get started on the Morning Work.  I don't want to keep reminding them to settle down and, the more I do, of course, the less likely they are to do so.
     This week, I suggested to them that I set a timer for about 10 minutes.  That's their time to quietly chat and socialize while they follow the lunch and unpacking procedures.  Once the timer goes off, it's time to get to work - non-negotiable.
     So far, they like it.  As long as they are relatively quiet, they don't hear from me for that 10 minutes.  They seem more amenable to settling down at the beeper.
     We'll see how it works in the coming weeks.   Do you have a routine like this?  Do you have another way of balancing chat time/work time?  Let's hear about it!
Growing Grade By Grade
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  1. I really like this idea! I teach 11th graders and a lot can happen in 10 minutes, so I would probably use about 5 for my class!! I'll let you know how it goes. :) I'm your newest follower


  2. Hi, Brittany! Welcome aboard and thank you for your comments! I admire you for teaching high school. Good luck and I'd love to hear about how it goes!
    Take care,

  3. Timers have a super power our own voices will never know. Your morning routine sounds effective. I hope it lasts. ~Stacy @

  4. Thanks, Stacy! Your blog has great ideas, too!



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