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Having Fun Learning About The Scientific Process

     Our first science activity of the year was "How many drops of water can you fit on a penny"?   We discussed the steps of the Scientific Method: 

  • Set a Purpose or Ask A Question 
  • Research 
  • Hypothesize
  • Experiment
  • Record and Analyze Data
  • Draw A Conclusion  

     Materials are inexpensive and readily available: 

  • napkin
  • dropper
  • penny
  • a cup of water to share at the table

      I like this activity for so many reasons. It quickly gives students experience with the Scientific Method, it leads to other questions, such as, "Why does the water look like a bubble? or Why does it take so long for the water to spill off the penny?", it gives them experience using equipment, and because they like it!  Happy Science!

Growing Grade By Grade
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  1. Hi Pat! I came across a link to your blog via one of your comments in the TPT forums! I am a 5th grade teacher as well, and fellow teacher blogger! I just did the scientific process as well, and I'll be posting our experiment this week. I'm happy to be your newest follower!
    Amber @ The Teacher Life

    1. Hi, Amber! Welcome to Growing in 5th Grade! You've got a lot to do, but I can tell you'll be able to do it...and with style! I remember how it felt to leave my babies, too; you'll both be fine. Please let me know if I can help. I've worked on "translating" the 5th grade Math Common Core Curriculum for my district. It's going to be a great journey! I'm following you, too!


  2. Great activity. Glad I found you on the TPT forum! Welcome to blogland :) Happy blogging!
    Fun Games 4 Learning

    1. Hi, FG4L! So glad you stopped by! I'm following you, too!


  3. Most impressive! I'll look forward to following this throughout the year. Maybe I can even adapt some things for my pre-school grandkids!

    1. Thanks, Ken! Being the fun grandpa you are, I'll bet they'll love anything you do!


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