The game requires a little preparation - copying sets of cards and answer sheets. Once you have them, though, you'll play again and again.
Simply put, you form teams of three students who have a deck of cards, an answer sheet, and a small pile of game pieces or "rocks". Student 1 turns up a number card. The "Answer Person" asks if the number is divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10. For every correct answer, Student 1 takes a "rock", a game piece. Then, Student 2 turns up a card and goes through the same procedure. If a student believes an incorrect answer has been given, he/she can challenge.
I allowed my students to use their Rules of Divisibility sheets for reference. See them play below. You can see the "rocks", the cards, the answer sheet, and pink reference sheets.
Check out this great game at the link below and tell me how you like it! Thanks again, Carren!
Divisibility Rocks!