You win some, you lose some. Last year's attendance/lunch chart was just sort of OK. I took jumbo craft sticks, hot glued small magnets to the back, and wrote a name on each one. Students placed their stick under the appropriate lunch choice on the filing cabinet I set up for that purpose, which also did an automatic attendance count for me. The problems were that the sticks fell off very, very easily and the magnets came off easily. So much for experience.
This year, I found larger sheets of magnets, like the size of large sticky notes. I believe you can even find 8 1/2" x 11" sheets. I cut them into 2" x 3" magnets, typed student names on paper, removed the protective paper, and applied the names to the sticky side. I only got one chance - once the paper is on, it's on!
So far, the new magnets are working great! I'm really delighted with this easy fix to an annoying problem. I'm sure the kids will love to keep their magnet at the end of the year for a souvenir. I'll keep an eye out for good prices on large sheets of magnets for next year.
What management system is working for you this year?